About Us

At Hameed Latif Hospital Laboratory Centre, located on Kareem Block, Allama Iqbal Tow in Lahore, people trust our diagnostic laboratory services for their precision and reliability. We are committed to ensuring quality through the implementation of the latest tools and technology, ISO certification, swift results, and the expertise of our professional team. Our services are designed with the patient’s convenience and trust in mind, highlighted by our offer of free home sampling.

Why Choose Us

At Hameed Latif Hospital Lab, trust is the foundation of our relationship with our clients. We understand the importance of accurate diagnostics and reliable sample collection in healthcare, and we are committed to earning and maintaining your trust. Here are key reasons why people choose and trust us

High-Quality Lab at Hameed Latif Hospital Laboratory

Unmatched Expertise at Hameed Latif Hospital Laboratory

Precise Results from Hameed Latif Hospital Laboratory

Qualified Staff of Hameed Latif Hospital Laboratory


Karim Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore

Call Us

0311 4142033